... or, Words with (Lady)Friends.
I was out for a hike with Not Allured and our mutual ladyfriends the other week, and though we spent a good hour or two discussing Chris Pureka's many charms (call either of us, CP! We will never make you take the pictures down!), we eventually moved on to talking about sexytimes. (A pretty natural segue, I'm sure you agree, unless you are (a) crazy and (b) wrong all the time).
If you've been following our blog - and more importantly, following our advice - maybe you are ready to take things in this new direction - the direction of the boudoir.
I'm sure you know what to do when you get there, but do you know what to say? Queer ladies can be a communicative bunch, and it's important to note that processing, like cats, does not always belong in the bedroom.
To help a sistren out, here are some things you may not want to say:
(1) Someone else's name. You'd think this would be obvious, but it isn't always. Try especially to avoid the following names: your exes, your relatives, her exes, her relatives, or your cats.
(2) Things that are not relevant to getting in her pants. Avoid mentioning your plans to visit the Homo Depot tomorrow morning (unless you are going to make an erotic adventure out of it, as Not Allured has suggested previously), where you'd like to hang your new curtains (references to her curtains are obviously acceptable), or reminding her to take the chicken breasts out of the freezer (you can figure out the exception for yourselves here).
(3) Anything like this: "I can see myself falling in love with you" - you are (hopefully) riding a post-coital high, are probably (a) happy or (b) sleepy, and thus should refrain from making declarations of love until after you've come down (heh heh) a bit.
(4) Hand-balling. Or "Needs more Crisco." (See
Sapphistry for further horrifying details).
(5) Any of the following: "Show me your catdance," "My twat is still vibrating," "let me run my tongue up deep into your hive," "tender and swallowing walls," "Just relax and it will burn real good," and "Relax, it was only E".
(6) "I want to make a baby with you" "I have a sperm donor on speed dial!"
(7) "Smile for the camera!"
(8) "My husband/boyfriend/partner will be back soon, but he's cool with it. He'd like to join too, if you're into it."
(9) "Hey, did you know you have a hair here? I hear electrolysis will take care of that."
(10) "Who's ______?"- when reading the name tattooed on their bicep
(11) "No kitty! Bad kitty!"
(12) Anything from a lesbian romance novel or lesbian film. Or song. Or poem. Our sistren cannot be trusted for sweet nothing suggestions- and these should be personal anyway, so your ladyfriend knows it is she that you treasure, not trite phrases.
(13) "What do you mean it doesn't fit? It fit my ex-girlfriend just fine! She loved it!"
(14) "Um, what are the symptoms for ____? Cause I think I see one." (actually, if you see something, you should probably just stop what you're doing or only continue with extreme caution.)
(15) "Hey, from this angle you look kinda like my mom/sister/ex."
Further suggestions?