In other news- The Librarian and I are having a baby in May. I'm pregnant! For those who don't know me/somehow stumble on this blog, this is not something I ever thought I would say. I've never had romantic feelings about pregnancy or been one of those women who dreamed of having babies. I always thought I'd adopt, so it took a lot of thinking about it and conversations to make this decision. But I'm happy with our decision and looking forward to parenting! I will post later about the things I and the librarian are looking forward to doing in the future with Fennel (our in-utero nickname) but for now, I'll share the pros and cons of being pregnant. Starting with the pros, as that's the shortest list. Pregnancy is terrible and I don't know how the human race has survived since this is the way we reproduce. But at least when things are gross I haven't suffered any disillusionment as I was expecting it! Hooray?
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20 weeks! Yes, we have a rainbow fence! |
Pros of Pregnancy
- Maternity pants. Sistren, as someone who's always had a belly, maternity pants are the greatest invention of all time. I may never give them up.
- No litter box! As a pregnancy precaution, I don't have to change the litter box! Woot! We have 2 cats, one with kidney issues who pees all the time, so this is a great perk!
- Pregnancy brain excuses. "Sorry I didn't do the thing, pregnancy" is a great, and valid excuse! Works every time!
- Thicker hair. My hair is on the thin side normally, and now with my hair thicker due to the hormones I finally have the lesbian hair I've always wanted! It stays spiked up now! It's so mid-2000s and I am living for it!
- Second trimester delusion. Now that I'm in my second trimester, I've been feeling pretty good. I can eat! I have energy and can do things like my job! Writing! Hiking! And we got to see the baby on the ultrasound this week, which was SO FUN! They were moving their arms and legs around all over the place, so now when I feel them tickling me inside my body (which is the most bizarre sensation) I have a visual of what the heck is going on in there. This is making me think oh maybe I COULD do this again though first trimester I swore this was one and done. This is how your brain tricks you! Damn you, evolution!
Cons of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is so hard, y'all. If there was an incubator like in the Matrix where I could put the baby until it was ready to be it's own person, I would! Here are some of the worst things for me about being pregnant. If anyone needs to vent about how much growing a tiny human sucks, I am here for you! I am even keeping a tally of some of the shitty things so when Fennel is a teenager and being ornery I can whip it out to show them. Then they can yell "I never asked to be born!" It'll be great!
- Everything about first trimester. First trimester is TERRIBLE. The Librarian and I have watched a lot of the great TV show "I didn't know I was Pregnant" and those much be the luckiest pregnant people alive because seriously how did they not know? It's also hard because you feel miserable, but are probably trying to keep the news semi-secret as you want to make sure everything's going OK. So then you feel like shit but don't want to tell people why you're cranky and being anti-social. I'll detail more below, but first trimester is so bad it needs it's own entry.
- Fatigue. First trimester is exhausting! Many days it was all I could do to get through teaching my classes, and then I would crash. Falling asleep on the couch at 7:30 pm was pretty common. Luckily I don't have a 9-5 job or I don't know how I would've coped. Women in that situation, I salute you!
- Trying to eat taking over your life, combined with terrible nausea and vomiting. I LOVE food. Eating has never been something that was hard for me- overeating yes, but not the simple intake of food. First trimester I lost nearly 10 pounds from not being able to eat (which is normal- who knew?). There were many days of laying on the couch, trying desperately to eat something by taking teeny, tiny bites and sometimes still not being able to hold anything down. One morning I was able to eat a few cheese cubes The Librarian got from Aldi, and it probably took 5 minutes to nibble one cube. Then she just picked one up and put it in her mouth like it was nothing and I was furious! I couldn't eat any flavors- The Librarian nicely made me a carrot soup (for a few weeks blended veggie soups were one of the only things I could eat) but forgot about the flavor thing before she put in the tiniest bit of rosemary. Came right back up. And when food doesn't stay down, or just waking up in the morning makes you puke (yeah, that's a thing), it was the most violent puking I'd ever experienced. All the progesterone just wreaks havoc on your body and wretching would sometimes give me a sore throat. I had less food cravings and more aversions, and then certain foods would be palatable for a few days before tasting terrible again. Some of the things I could eat over those first few months were carrots, apples, bread, and cheetos. So strange. All those pregnancy advice columns about eating greens mocked me. It was even more annoying as I'm a vegetarian, and I couldn't eat anything green. Fennel was definitely feeling like the parasite they are, little punk.
- Digestion is a struggle. Along with eating issues, digestion is so hard while pregnant. Once you can eat food, and it stays down, digesting it is hard. I can feel my food travel all through my digestive tract, which is gross. There's a lot of burping, hiccuping, and the worst gas you've ever experienced. Now that Fennel takes up more space, my stomach is pushed up and I have to eat smaller portions. If I overdo it, I can feel my food still in my chest, because it is!! How is this allowed? I am kind of jealous of those women who gain a lot of weight when pregnant because I don't know how they can eat enough food to do so. Though who knows, maybe I'll be able to do that in a few months, pregnancy is wild.
- Facial hair. Y'all, the vitamins and all the hormones mean I could have a goatee if I want, or maybe an early-2000s soul patch. Not my personal style choice, so this side effect is just annoying.
- Sore boobs and hips. Your body starts to do all kind of weirdness to prepare for the baby, and it's painful. Sleeping bras are a thing. These days, I'm spending about 30 minutes in the morning with a heating pad on my hip. I do have a u-shaped pregnancy pillow a friend lent me which is amazing and helps a lot, but things are still achy.
- Acne. I don't know what this "glowing" thing is some people claim, I just have acne. Hooray. With the extra facial hair it's such a joy!
So anyway- that's our news and some of my lists! I hope to keep posting about the pregnancy if I have time. I'm thinking a post on what we're excited about, all the books we've already got for the baby, and a shout out to The Librarian who is seriously the best partner I could ever ask for through all of this. Also, Indigo Labrys is obviously going to be the Earth Mother. We even had a photo shoot when I saw her in November. By photo shoot, I mean we took selfies, but it counts.
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