Saturday, August 3, 2013


Sistren, I should be writing an article tonight, but instead I thought our dear 4 readers needed another post instead! We're just a flurry of posting these days! This is actually a joint posting by Indigo Labrys and I, so like our post on mixed vs. clear signals, you can have fun trying to guess whose embarrassing situation was whose!

Anyway friends, this post is about rejection. Specifically, (and personally!), some of the ways we have been rejected by others in our pursuit of U-haul bliss. If we can move on from these sad moments and keep dating, then so can you! (Indigo Labrys: This is to say - rejections happen, even to stone-cold foxes like Not Allured and me. So do not be discouraged, sistren, but go out and rub your flannel-coated bodies all over other consenting persons of your choosing.)

Without further ado, here are our tales of woe:

  • You're out dancing with your buddies and a lady you're interested in. Your friends are encouraging you that she is into you! But when you lean in for a hug at the end of the night, she takes a giant step backwards and gives you a wave. Burn!
  • You answer a cute-sounding Craigslist ad and go on 2 dates with a cute lady. You're hoping to hang out again, but she doesn't answer your emails. Then, you see a very similar ad stating how she's looking for someone athletic looking, or something else that clearly excludes you. Guess you're never going to hear from her again.
  • You're in "group therapy" and when "group therapy" ends you ask one of the women in the group to be friends because you are awkward and apparently only know how to make friends like a first-grader. She (justifiably) rejects you because you have kind of massively crossed the boundaries of "group therapy." You are a sad weirdo.
  • You're out with a classmate and you are intoxicated. You try to sexily rub her calf with your foot. She moves. 
  • You're on a date with a woman you thought you'd been casually seeing when she brings her ex-girlfriend and they proceed to process their relationship in front of you. You eat garlic fries, but nothing can fill the emptiness in your heart.
  • You're seeing a woman who makes your age an issue by insisting that she feels like a cradle-robber. You find out that her ex-girlfriend is a mere year older than you. 
If we can continue to pursue dates after these experiences, then you can too, sistren.

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