Monday, April 2, 2012

I can see clearly now the rain is gone

Ladies, a few moon cycles ago Indigo Labrys and I were talking about the dating woes of our past and decided it was time we addressed this important topic: mixed v. clear signals. Have you been out on a date with a hot lady and thought, "surely she wants me for my smooth intellect and my dashing good looks," only to never hear from her again? What is a lady to do?

First of all, we recommend leading by example. We're going to share some "do nots" (AKA mixed signals) and "dos" (clear signals!). These examples may or may not come from our own personal experiences... that can be a fun guessing game for you! (We wrote this one together, as we both have things to share- hypothetically, that is.)

Mixed Signals:
  • Sending her poems - about the internet (see previous post on pitching woo)
  • Happily agreeing to hang out all the time, but only when SHE asks YOU- you never call her to hang out
  • Acting cuddly in private but aloof in public- or vice versa
  • Sending mildly flirtatious texts/letters and packages filled with fun things you found in the library/ long chatty emails, but later claiming that these were just meant in friendship, and you totally always write cute letters on beer coasters to casual acquaintances and didn't meant anything by it at all (hypothetically speaking, of course)
  • Dancing all sexy-like with a lady and then leaving her high and dry
  • Saying you don't want to be "girlfriends" but you don't want to date or sleep with anyone else, and aren't looking either. Meanwhile, you're calling her your girlfriend to other people when she's not around, but being very adamant that SHE shouldn't use that word to describe YOU.  (again, purely hypothetical here)
  • Telling her that you're totally over your ex and available for a relationship when mementos of your ex litter your house and in fact outnumber the stars (again, totally hypothetical)
  • When you scoot close to your potential squeeze and she immediately moves away like she's being burned with hot pokers (this has happened and she WAS interested)
  • Asking you out on a date but inviting her ex-girlfriend along (because she called and didn't have anything to do! it makes PERFECT sense!)
  • When your lady invites you to meet her family because you're so super serious and then breaks up with you shortly after.
  • When you go from making sweet sweet love to suddenly becoming very busy with (school)work. And then you stop communicating with your ladyfriend but pretend everything is fine, you're just tired, God. And then she sends you a message and is like, "Are you breaking up with me by avoiding me?" And that's how you know you've been sending mixed signals.
Clear signals that say "I like you and potentially want to be your soul bond!":
  • Sending her poems about ladies doing each other, with a note about how you would like to act this out with a special someone
  • Asking her out. Now we are well aware that it is difficult to tell if it is coffee or a date, but making it clear that you are asking her on a date is always a good idea in our eyes. That way, if she doesn't want to date you and would rather it just be coffee, she can say so. You may have a moment of awkwardness, but due to the magic of lesbian sisterhood, you'll be back to enjoying your knitting circle as if nothing happened soon enough. (hmm, perhaps a future post on asking a lady out, tips and suggestions?)
  • Telling her she's cute, finding excuses to touch her arm, buying her a drink = all good signs to show interest. Now if it's at a lady's birthday party and everyone is buying her a drink you may have to step it up a notch to make her realize your intentions, but we have confidence in you.
  • Saying, "I like you and potentially want to be your soul bond."
  • Dedicating karaoke songs to her, posting sexy little ditties on her facebook wall that make your interest clear, like "I Touch Myself" or something. (And not, for example, "Separate Ways," which one of our ladies totally sang when we went out for karaoke together, and which the author took as a sign of DISinterest).
Clear signals that say "I am not interested in touching your ({})":
  • When a lady leans in for a hug, taking a large step back and giving a wave clearly shows you are not interested in going past the friend zone (Not that this has happened to one of us, or anything. Never.)
  • Similarly, if you're not interested, talking about another girl you think is cute (even if you're embellishing) will signal to her that you're not interested in the lady right in front of you, and can prevent someone you don't want to touch ({}) with from asking you out. Unless they're one of those who likes to play games... but that kind of insanity goes beyond our advice-giving abilities. We're simple when it comes to these things.
  • If she asks you out and you're just not that into her (to borrow a phrase), just say no thank you. Don't be rude, but don't say yes and get yourself into a sticky situation later when she tries to put the moves on

So ladies, we beg of you, for the good of sisterhood don't play games with your love interests. Save those for the bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. I think this will help maximize the ({}) our sisters get.
